a) Geography of the 20th century
b) Purpose of the Church
c) The Church’s characteristics
d) Members of the Church
e) The 3 ecclesiastical states

a) Geography of the 20th century

+++ Christians: 2100 million     CCC Muslims: 1200 million     *** Hindus: 950 million     BBB Buddhists: 660 million

b) Purpose of the Church

        The purpose of the Church is to continue with Jesus’ works, i.e. the salvation of all men. The Church’s mission can be specified as follows:

-interior, sanctifying its members,
-exterior, prea
ching the Gospel to all men.

        The Church is missionary, and this means that all Christians have a mission to make Jesus known to all and the way to salvation.

c) The Church’s characteristics

        It is One. Jesus Christ founded only one Church, with one faith and with the same sacraments, as there is only one Holy Spirit.

        It is Holy. As its founder was holy, and its means are holy (even though we are all sinners).

        It is Catholic. That means that the Church is universal, for all people, race and social standing, not closed to anyone.

        It is Apostolic. It was entrusted to the apostles, and to their successors, who presently are the bishops.

d) Members of the Church

        The lay people. These are Christians and every day Christians (99%, those who get married, have children …). They are incorporated into the Church through baptism. They make up the nation of God. Their vocation has four characteristics:

-live in the everyday world,
-work in worldly matters,
-are called to be holy,
-work to make the rest of the society Christian.

        The clergy. These are the Christians who devote their lives to God, through their public profession to obedience, poverty and chastity. The clergy can dedicate themselves to:

-the active life (in schools, hospitals, missions),
-the contemplative life (in monasteries or convents).

        The priests. These people are called by Jesus to dedicate their lives to God’s things, and to guide the Church. Among all of the priests, there is one who has a mission of special importance. The pope, the highest pontiff, and successor of saint Peter, Vicar of Christ on earth, who resides in Rome because that is where Peter established the holy Catholic Church and where he died.

e) The 3 ecclesiastical states

        The intension union among Christ’s followers doesn’t even disappear upon death. Christians living on earth stay united to those who are already in heaven, and to those who are waiting for their purification in purgatory.

-Pilgrim Church. This is the state for those of us living in this world on our pilgrimage toward heaven;
-Heavenly Church. This is the state for those who have already achieved God’s happiness, and who intercede for us;
-Purging Church. T
his belongs to those who die for God, but imperfectly purified, and who must undergo purification in order to see God.

        These three states will disappear and will lead to a new heaven and the new earth that God has prepared for all of us.


Mercaba Eds 
Diocese of Cartagena-Murcia 
General Diagram of Mercaba's You
th Catechism